McCain is a spent force.
Frist is unelectable.
Jeb Bush is too unfriendly, the Schiavo case left a bad taste in many moderate Republicans’ mouths’.
Guiliani carries too much baggage for the Red-Staters to support him.
Pawlenty is a nationally-unknown.
Allen is nationally unknown, and the various Virginia “gay controversies” isn’t helping his cause at present.
Condi's not ready...
And, Arnold can’t run.
I fear that we’ll have Hillary for 2008, and maybe 2012 too. The GOP needs to be looking at it’s various farm teams, and encourage and groom some real talent for 20012 and 2016. And maybe they need to really start thinking “outside the box” this time…not just gaming who the Social Right will follow blindly. You still need the center to get the popular and electoral majorities.
2008 is a Republican write-off..…no guts and no glory.