Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.

- Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)

Why am I reluctant?

I just spent the last 3-hours-plus going through the Log Cabin candidate-profiles, the Club for Growth's white papers, and looking at the actual candidates' sites for several of the front-running and second-tier candidates. In-part since I wanted to take a much closer-look at Rep. Paul, who Uncle Sully's been shilling-for. While I have some sympathies for Dr. Paul's "libertarian" views, his positions on both abortion and the use of the military and Iraq are just total no-starters here. Plus, there's the unelectability -factor. Tancredo and Huckabee's anti-abortion and just down-right anti-gay positions make them non-starters, and Romney's an opportunist and flop-flopper. Plus there's the still open-issue in my mind about his Mormonism vs. his conscience and the US Constitution.

That basically leaves me back at Rudy Giuliani. He's posted his Twelve Commitments on his website, with background statements on 11 of them. In going-through the bullet points in the backgrounders, I find that I can basically agree with just about all of them, and I can even live with his position on gay marriage if balanced by meaningful domestic partnership laws.

Yet I feel a general unease...I just don't trust the man...and I'm not sure why. It's the same feeling I have towards Dick Nixon or Frank Rizzo; they're all-right for 95% of the time...but watch out for the 5%, especially in the middle of the night. For some reason I have the mental image of a Pres. Giuliani wandering the halls of the White House late at-night...between crises...muttering to himself about perceived enemies in the fashion of the failed Nixon-presidency. He's whole persona's repellant, like a Mob boss or a long-time ward-healer on-the-make....and the take. I got the same "vibe" from Jim McGreevey when I'd run into him at functions back when he was my closeted-Governor; you just didn't want to shake his hand or be anywhere near him. "Danger! ...Danger, Will Robinson!"

Do you vote agenda, or character? Is electing St. Hillarybeast for 4 years safer(!!) than allowing ANY of the GOP-hopefuls near the Oval Office? I'd feel better if Newt Gingrich was running...or at-least was locked-in as Giuliani's Vice-Presidential running-mate.

It's late, and I need a drink,