After reading the comments that have been contributed to Christian Grantham's and GayPatriot's site over the HRC, I have to wonder if if even possible for any large G/L organization to truely pursue a non-partisan agenda. Or more correctly stated, a bi-partisan agenda. If the radicalized-Left of the G/L community considers us class-traitors, sell-outs and Jewish Nazis; what's the point?
Should we consider the NGLTF and the HRC simply and plainly as Democratic Party-affiliated organizations? We willl know for sure once the HRC selects a new Exec. Director....I'll wager that it will be another radical-extremist to appeal to the major liberal donors. "...No changes of course, no backing-down on tactics, man the barricades!!"
To the HRC and NGLTF---
"Those slamming noises you hear are the doors of Congress slamming-shut in your face. Just slide your PAC-checks under the door and we'll call you, later . . . . much later."