In a race where both candidates had similar finacial resources and name recognition; an appeal to the center might get the GOP candidate elected. But against Corzine’s money neither GOP frontrunners will prevail, in part due to their street-cred as ‘losers’ state-wide, and the internecine battle-scars between the various County coimmittees that will inhibit fundraising.
Tha GOP faithful will vote tomorrow. But there aren’t enough of them, nor is either possible GOP candidate charasmatic enough a ‘winner’ to energize the center to come out and vote GOP in the Fall; so the Democrat’s faithful hard-core in the cities and the North suburbs will swamp the GOP.
I’ve decided to vote for Murphy to encourage him to seek state-office in the future. NJ needs some fresh, young blood on the GOP-side, not just recycling the same old names; Forrester, Schundler and Keane.