Wednesday, November 09, 2005


As a lifelong "progressive" Republican, even I could not bring myself to vote for Doug Forrester; even though I’ve supported so real-stinkers in the Republican-ticket over the years. Forrester was just too-much a inexperienced naif, and a rotten campaigner with zero-charisma. The campaign was Corzine’s to lose, and he might have IF the NJ State GOP could have pulled itself together a select a meaningful candidate.

While I’m not happy about Corzine’s sleazy-ways, I expect the “mistakes” he makes in office will be political ideological-ones, and not just stupid or naive like McGreevey did…or Forrester would have. At least Corzine’s not an incompetent, just a liberal Democrat….and THAT can be remedied in four years when he makes his run at the White House in 2010.

St. Hillarybeast has the Democratic nomination locked-up with Corzine sidelined for 4-years…